Barb Smith of Hooversville, PA



This month, we would like to introduce you to our participant Barbara Smith from Hooversville, PA. Barb lives with Cerebral Palsy and is one of the most talked about and loved participants around the Johnstown office. When Barb enters the room, you know it. With her silly jokes and enjoyable personality – you are sure to be laughing when she’s around.

When Barb is not cracking jokes, she is most likely playing her computer games, taking pictures, or dancing! It is also rumored that she is one to beat at Monopoly and is very creative with plastic canvas crafts.

Barb lives at home with her Mom, Dad, her older sister Mary, and 2 cats (Max and Crazy Tail.) She has another older sister, Lisa, that she enjoys visiting whenever possible. Barb enjoys going to the Truck Shows and being a part of the community around her. This year, Barb and her family decided to join AUCP for our Highmark Walk that was held downtown Johnstown. It was such an enjoyable time having Barb and her family join us, they made the day even better!

There are so many good things that can be said about Barb, she is truly an amazing individual. All of us here at Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy are blessed to have her as one of our participants and more importantly, part of our family.