Staff Spotlight August – Christy Berzonski


This month for our Staff Spotlight, we are featuring Christy Berzonski – Community Health Worker

Christy has been a Community Health Worker with Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy for the past three years. Originally from Friedens, and now resides at the Laurel Mountain Village in Boswell with her boyfriend Ronnie and her teenage daughter Analeigh, 3 dogs, and a cat. She also has two more children, Josie and Gavin, and 3 grandchildren. Christy earned a certificate in medical billing/coding at Allegheny College of Maryland. She enjoys scrapbooking and outdoor activities with her family like kayaking & hiking.

What is the most challenging part of your job at AUCP?
It’s hard to realize that not everyone in our community that needs help, wants it, or asks for it.

What is the most rewarding part of your job at AUCP?
It is just inspiring to see the resilience of some of my clients and the determination to better their situation. It is rewarding to see them reach their goals.

What are some of your personal goals?
I would like to see our program grow to the point that I can advance to a manager position. I really enjoy helping fellow community health workers with resources & growing in their roles.