What really makes a person decide to keep fighting after so many battles and statistics tell you that you will not make it? What makes you get up day after day knowing that most of the doctors you have faced told you that you probably would not live long or achieve much in life? For Michelle Hess, it is giving 150% every day because for some reason she was given a second chance and she believes that it is through God only that she is here today.

A hospital bed, operating room, and doctors are not unfamiliar to Michele. At birth she was rushed to a hospital across town with only minutes to spare because her intestines were outside of her body, the doctors only given years to live. At the age of 27, she faced death again when an aneurysm ruptured in her right ear. From the time that the event happened to the hospital she was brought back to life three times and was left paralyzed on her right side. After over a month in a coma, 4 brain surgeries, and with part of her right frontal lobe removed, she came back stronger than ever and ready to fight the battle.

The list of all the medical miracles Michele has been through would leave you even more amazed, if you can believe it. The most astonishing fact is that she has not let the difficult recovery take control of her life. Today, Michele is in her forties and lives each day looking for anybody that needs to hear her story. To hear of the battles that she faced and how the guidance and provisions of God in her life has allowed her to fight through the list of medical battles she’s faced.

With her eagerness to show kindness and her ability to inspire others with her story, Michele’s life dream is to travel and to tell the world of the story that she was given and how it has not left her devastated, but rather given her the will to “fight tooth and nail to regain what was lost.”

We are so inspired by the story that Michele so happily shares with us and we consider ourselves blessed to be able to be her Service Coordination Agency. It is because of stories like Michele’s that Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy continues to provide the support our participants need to live a life of independence.

Deb Hockenberry

This month our featured participant is Deb Hockenberry from Altoona, PA. For 30 years, Deb’s doctors had diagnosed her with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), however, after not having many answers they found out that is was a misdiagnosis for Spinocerebella Ataxia (SCA). Spinocerebella is a slowly progressive incoordination of gait and is often associated with poor coordination of hands, speech, and eye movements. SCA is often confused with MS but is even more uncommon and is yet to have a cure. The biggest struggle Deb faces is the judgement of others. To most, her diagnosis is invisible, she looks healthy and can do many things on her own, however, behind her smile and strength is the pain that she feels daily due to her condition.

Getting the chance to talk with Deb, you quickly see her determination and edge. In fact, she recently released her first-ever children’s book, “Where Can We Have the Party?” The topic of her book was something that she has thought about for years, she would read books as a child and wonder why there were not many about talking animals going to a party. So, she decided she would write the book herself. Once she began, she learned that it was not as simple as she thought. You must learn the correct grammar and punctuation that is used to write children’s books. She took classes online and reached out to publishers and businesses to get her book published and sold. The book is illustrated by her friend, Emily Dimov-Gottshall, with watercolor paint. Deb even designed the layout of the book on her own using an online site and the illustrations from Emily. Finally, after years of putting in hard work and waiting, she is now a children’s book author.

On May 12th, 2018, Deb will be presenting and selling her book at the first-ever Altoona Book Festival. During this event, a dance group will choreograph the reading of her book. If you’re in the area and available that day, be sure to stop by the Altoona Library to meet and talk to Deb to learn about her love for Harry Potter and her cat, Harry (yes, after the Potter).

A piece of advice Deb would like to share to our readers is to “Never give up. If there’s something you want to do, you’ll do it.” There’s no limit when you have your heart set on something. Disabled or not, chase after your dreams and never give up. Deb is an intelligent and loving woman, she sought after her dreams and accomplished them. You can too. As her Service Coordination Agency, we are so thrilled at the achievements that she’s reached so far and are excited to see what the future has in store for her.
If you would like to order a copy of “Where Can We Have the Party?” you can find it on Amazon.com. You can also visit her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AuthorDebHockenberry to learn more about Deb and find out where her next appearances are and information about her future books!

Matthew Dickun is a 28 year-old, self-taught artist from Mount Washington, PA. Matthew lives with duchenne muscular dystrophy, but in no way does he allow it to define him.

Dickun graduated from Pittsburgh Technical College (PTC) with an Associates Degree in Science for Computer Aided Drafting in 2011. His education taught him how to use 3D software for designing mechanical parts. This gave him a solid base from which to learn 3D modeling in a more artistic way.

Matthew also enjoys creating artwork with colored-pencils, markers, and graphite pencil. He focuses on drawing subjects from science fiction and fantasy genres and had dabbled in other various traditional are genres.

After graduating from PTC he had an internship with Siemens where he learned that a desk job just wasn’t for him and decided not to go back after the internship ended. Art was something that he has done and enjoyed since he was young and he decided he wanted to make a career of it and began a website on ArtBalanced.com to showcase and sell his work.

You can find one of his featured art pieces here or go to his website at www.artbalanced.com/matthew-dickuns-gallery/ to see more of his work and even make a purchase to support his career in art.